
Hi! Welcome to DINKS (double income, no kids) on a Bus, a blog about how my husband and I are using the financial freedom we’ve worked hard to gain to create our ideal life NOW, as well as our journey to (eventually) buying and building out a bus we can live on for part of the year. You’ll primarily be hearing from me, Mrs. DINK on a Bus, but I do want the world to know that I am on this journey with the Mr, who supports me like no other.

While I envisioned this blog being birthed in the personal finance space, if you continue to come back, you’ll read about a lot more than just personal finance.

Primarily, I want to tell stories about how I’ve come to design my life based on my values and goals, and that means some posts may not fit perfectly into the personal finance space – I’m ok with that.

The reason I feel compelled to tell my stories and share them with you all can be summed up by a quote from the amazingly gifted writer, Jennifer Pastiloff:

“Our stories are within us and they deserve to be let out, they deserve to be heard…stories and words need to be sent out into the world. What good do they do if we keep them all to ourselves? That is why I am telling you my story, I hope you’ll tell me yours.”

I have 3 culture values that I try to follow every day:

1. Find the joy

2. Seek the beauty

3. Follow the magic

I hope you’ll join me on this journey, and maybe even share some of your journey with me. I would be honored. And I’m a really good listener 🙂

If you’d like to read a longer version of my story, you can navigate to this post.

To read more about what being a DINK means to me, head on over to this post.