Have You Ever Tried Meditating?

I know, I know. This is “supposed” to be a personal finance blog. But hear me out! I know there are TONS of thoughts out there about meditation. I don’t think I’ve ever met two people who feel the same way about meditation. Even I, as a neuroscientist who has read the research on meditation’s beneficial effects on the brain, was skeptical for the longest time. But after giving it a try in 2015 when I had nothing else to lose, I can honestly say it has done wonders of good in my life. If you’ve never given meditation a try (or you’ve only given it a little bit of a try and sworn it off), this post is for you.

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Flipping The Script At Work

My 1-year anniversary at a job I am actually really enjoying was this week! In honor of this milestone, and based on something I heard on a recent podcast, today I want to talk about the potential power behind flipping the script at work.

If you’re still working a W2 job like me, do you avoid telling your boss that you don’t want that coveted promotion? That you actually have no interest in climbing up the ladder? If so, you’re not alone. I’m right there with you. But if you think you have to hide these thoughts from your boss, I’m here today to suggest another way.

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How Slow FI Helps Get Me Through Tough Times

I don’t know about you, but I find the news especially hard to take these days. I have pretty good boundaries when it comes to my intake of news, but regardless, things have felt really rough lately. Upon reflection, I think that the principles of Slow FI and my journey to financial independence are the main factors getting me through.

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Spending On Bucket List Items

Large purchases have always been tough for me, especially on things I want but don’t really need. I have made leaps and bounds when it comes to spending in all different categories, but I’m here today to tackle the topic of spending on bucket list items.

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What Sparks You In Work And Life?

The 4th of July weekend is about to be upon us, and so what better topic for the blog today then to discuss what sparks you in work and in life!

If you’ve read my story, you know that not so long ago, I was on the hamster wheel of work and life, with no clear way off but also no real intention of getting off the wheel. Then, a lot of things collided for me all at once. I took a pay cut for a job that ended up providing me with more time outside of work than I’d ever had in my life, I discovered Slow financial independence (FI), and I discovered my Sparketype, to name a few.

What is a Sparketype, you might be asking? Well, I’m here today to tell you all about it!

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