Maintaining Your Health On The Way To Financial Independence

Well, my friends, I was going to publish this post last Friday, getting back to my regularly scheduled weekly blog post. But alas, life had other plans. After 3 years of avoiding it, Mr. Dink and I finally came down with COVID-19.

How poetic that the week I was going to publish a post about health, we both got sick. Such is life, I suppose.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, I had absolutely no energy whatsoever to work on polishing this post to have it ready to publish last week. But I’m sort of glad I didn’t, because it gives this post new life. A fresh perspective.

Life is short, and there’s nothing like lying sick in bed with absolutely nothing to do (or nothing I can do) besides watch TV and wallow, freaking out about my shallow breathing and wondering how bad it would have been if I wasn’t vaccinated, to remind you that life is short.

This post became all the more important to me.

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