Have You Ever Tried Meditating?

I know, I know. This is “supposed” to be a personal finance blog. But hear me out! I know there are TONS of thoughts out there about meditation. I don’t think I’ve ever met two people who feel the same way about meditation. Even I, as a neuroscientist who has read the research on meditation’s beneficial effects on the brain, was skeptical for the longest time. But after giving it a try in 2015 when I had nothing else to lose, I can honestly say it has done wonders of good in my life. If you’ve never given meditation a try (or you’ve only given it a little bit of a try and sworn it off), this post is for you.

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How Slow FI Helps Get Me Through Tough Times

I don’t know about you, but I find the news especially hard to take these days. I have pretty good boundaries when it comes to my intake of news, but regardless, things have felt really rough lately. Upon reflection, I think that the principles of Slow FI and my journey to financial independence are the main factors getting me through.

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