How are you with setting boundaries? If you’re like me, patiently working a 9-5 while saving up in investments to one day downshift or retire early, are you content in your day job? If you’ve been reading the blog, you know I’m on a slow journey to financial independence (FI). I’m taking steps to design my life in a way I can enjoy it now, before reaching FI. When it comes to work, the only way I have found to not go crazy at my 9-5 waiting for my retirement day is to figure out a way to enjoy the ride. For me, the biggest factor in enjoying the ride has been setting better boundaries at work.
Continue reading “Setting Better Boundaries To Enjoy The 9-5”Category: Slow FI
The Power Of Experimentation
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about experimentation, mostly as it relates to financial independence (FI). So many of those who have reached FI in the past have stated, after the fact, that they weren’t necessarily happier after attaining this milestone. They spent so much time getting to FI that they didn’t think about life after FI. One of the big reasons I decided to take a slow path to FI, in addition to wanting to enjoy more of life along the way, is to take time to figure out what I want to do after I reach FI. This is where the power of experimentation comes in.
Continue reading “The Power Of Experimentation”Have You Ever Tried Meditating?
I know, I know. This is “supposed” to be a personal finance blog. But hear me out! I know there are TONS of thoughts out there about meditation. I don’t think I’ve ever met two people who feel the same way about meditation. Even I, as a neuroscientist who has read the research on meditation’s beneficial effects on the brain, was skeptical for the longest time. But after giving it a try in 2015 when I had nothing else to lose, I can honestly say it has done wonders of good in my life. If you’ve never given meditation a try (or you’ve only given it a little bit of a try and sworn it off), this post is for you.
Continue reading “Have You Ever Tried Meditating?”How Slow FI Helps Get Me Through Tough Times
I don’t know about you, but I find the news especially hard to take these days. I have pretty good boundaries when it comes to my intake of news, but regardless, things have felt really rough lately. Upon reflection, I think that the principles of Slow FI and my journey to financial independence are the main factors getting me through.
Continue reading “How Slow FI Helps Get Me Through Tough Times”