How We Manage Our Money As A DINK Household

Last week on the blog, I wrote about our COVID wedding(s), and how spending on our values saved us from busting our budget. Writing that post made me realize that I haven’t actually shared with my readers how Mr. Dink and I manage our money as a couple! How could I have let such an obvious and crucial post of a personal finance blog slip through the cracks? Well, rest assured folks. The wait is over.

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The Tale of Two COVID Weddings: How Our Values Saved Our Budget

Mr. Dink and I celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary last weekend! If you’re quick with math, you may have already realized that, yes, we had a COVID wedding. On Christmas of 2019, we sent out save the dates for September 19, 2020. The pandemic may have changed our original wedding plans, the months leading up to September 19th may have been an incredibly stressful time, and we may have had to make some really hard decisions, but we didn’t let COVID-19 ruin what was important to us about our wedding. The fact that we had taken the time to really think about what mattered to us, what our values were around our wedding, ended up being our savior. Looking back on how our wedding(s) turned out, we don’t regret a thing.

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Faith and Money: Letting Go of the Shame

Did you grow up going to church? Do you belong to a church community now? In the past, I would have avoided those questions. I would have made any excuse not to talk about church or religion. The truth is, I did grow up going to church, I do belong to a church community now, and I’m no longer ashamed to say it.

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Slow FI And The Evolution of Friendships

Lately, with summer having been in full swing and COVID-19 restrictions becoming more and more lax, I have been spending a lot of time with friends. Not surprisingly, I have also been spending more money when it comes to friends. But spending money with friends has been easy because of the joy it brings. Rather than worrying about spending, I’ve found myself reflecting on how far my relationships with my friends have come since I’ve started taking a slow path to financial independence (FI). I’ve noticed how my friendships have changed and evolved. Some friendships have ended, and that has been hard, but for the most part, my friendships have changed for the better since slowing down my journey to FI.

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Setting Better Boundaries To Enjoy The 9-5

How are you with setting boundaries? If you’re like me, patiently working a 9-5 while saving up in investments to one day downshift or retire early, are you content in your day job? If you’ve been reading the blog, you know I’m on a slow journey to financial independence (FI). I’m taking steps to design my life in a way I can enjoy it now, before reaching FI. When it comes to work, the only way I have found to not go crazy at my 9-5 waiting for my retirement day is to figure out a way to enjoy the ride. For me, the biggest factor in enjoying the ride has been setting better boundaries at work.

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