Getting Out Of A Bad Situation: A Personal Case Study

One topic I’ve witnessed many bloggers in the financial independence (FI) space discuss at one point or another is how financial freedom, and especially having “F-You” money, can help get you out of a bad situation.

They write about it as one of the many ways that having extra money in the bank is beneficial. Today, I’m sharing a recent personal story in which the financial freedom I’ve gained so far on my journey helped me get out of a bad situation at work.

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The Best (Financial) Decisions I’ve Ever Made

As the end of another year draws near, I find myself doing what I always do around this time: reflecting. Reflecting on all that I’ve learned this year. Reflecting on the goals I’ve achieved, the places I’ve fallen short, all the activities I did or didn’t do.

In this spirit of reflection, I’ve been thinking about how grateful I am for where I find myself right now, happily living a slow FI lifestyle, and all the financial decisions I’ve made that have led me to this very place. So today, I’m here to share some of those decisions I’m most proud of and hopefully inspire you to reflect on some of the best financial decisions you’ve made on your path.

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