How And Why We Should All Get Better At Having Difficult Conversations

Let’s face it: it’s a tough world out there right now. If you don’t have a different opinion on some important topic from at least one immediate family member or friend, consider yourself lucky. Inevitably, we are likely all faced with the possibility of having difficult conversations on a consistent, if not daily, basis. In a time where this is the sad norm, wouldn’t it benefit everyone to get at least a little better at having difficult conversations?

This topic is especially on my mind right now because last week, I accepted a job offer with another company. Inevitably, I had to give my resignation notice where I currently work. Therefore, I’ve been having what feels like a lot of difficult conversations lately.

Today on the blog, I’m sharing some tips from my and others’ experience on ways we can get better at having difficult conversations, no matter the topic.

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What Did You Love To Do As A Kid?

Whenever I’m in a situation where I’m explaining to someone that I plan to (sooner rather than later) downshift when it comes to work, they are immediately baffled. Almost every time, without fail, I get some version of the same question: “but what would you do with yourself if you weren’t working?!”

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Setting Better Boundaries To Enjoy The 9-5

How are you with setting boundaries? If you’re like me, patiently working a 9-5 while saving up in investments to one day downshift or retire early, are you content in your day job? If you’ve been reading the blog, you know I’m on a slow journey to financial independence (FI). I’m taking steps to design my life in a way I can enjoy it now, before reaching FI. When it comes to work, the only way I have found to not go crazy at my 9-5 waiting for my retirement day is to figure out a way to enjoy the ride. For me, the biggest factor in enjoying the ride has been setting better boundaries at work.

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