3 Months Into Part-Time Work: An Update

These past 3 months since I shifted to an 80% work schedule have flown by. My sister-in-law recently asked me how I was feeling about it all on a trip I took to see her, my brother, and my niece. Then, I had a reader leave a comment on one of my recent posts wondering how it was going. The universe had spoken! I realized it’s about time I fill everyone in.

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Getting Out Of A Bad Situation: A Personal Case Study

One topic I’ve witnessed many bloggers in the financial independence (FI) space discuss at one point or another is how financial freedom, and especially having “F-You” money, can help get you out of a bad situation.

They write about it as one of the many ways that having extra money in the bank is beneficial. Today, I’m sharing a recent personal story in which the financial freedom I’ve gained so far on my journey helped me get out of a bad situation at work.

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