Experiment “Failure” Alert: We Sold Our Boat

Today I bring you another installment of my experiment series on the blog, where I chronicle my “experiences with experiments” (say that 5 times fast) on my slow FI journey! This will be the first of the series that is a not-so-successful story. Although I had been refusing to call them failures up until this point, because I believe that there is no such thing as failure when it comes to experimentation, I couldn’t think of a word I liked better. And “failuretunity” just didn’t quite have the ring to it I was looking for. Hence, I landed on simply putting “failure” in quotation marks. Read on to hear more!

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It’s Time To Rock The Boat

Alright, friends. It’s big announcement time! Long-time readers may know that, since starting this blog, my big financial goal has been to eventually go down to part-time work. Well, it’s finally official. It’s finally time for me to rock the boat of the traditional 40-hour, 9-5 work week. I’m now officially on an 80% work schedule at my job, with Fridays off!

Read on to hear all about how I made the decision, the process of making it happen at work, and what I’m thinking about the decision now.

Continue reading “It’s Time To Rock The Boat”