How Part-Time Work Became My Goal

I may be on a journey to financial independence, but for the longest time, when I was still on the hamster wheel, it was just a feeling of “I’ll get there when I get there”. I liked working, and I didn’t have any plans to stop. How the times have changed!

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My Current Financial Independence Goal

If you’ve been reading the blog so far, you know that when I first discovered the FIRE (financial independence, retire early) movement around 7 years ago, the whole “retire early” part didn’t really resonate with me. At the time, I was just starting a postdoctoral fellowship and had dreams of being a big-time professor. I was still on the hamster wheel, and I had no intention of slowing down anytime soon.

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Ok, So What’s The Deal With The Bus?

One day several years ago, during pre-pandemic normalcy, I walked in the house from being out and about somewhere (remember when that used to happen on the regular?!), and Mr. Dink told me he had a crazy idea.

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DINKs: Double Income, No Kids

At the first company I worked for after I left academia, the one where I took the hefty pay cut, we had biweekly team meetings. These meetings always started with an icebreaker as a way to get to know each other and increase team morale.

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